Page of the Ancient Egypt

Welcome to this page which consists many pictures and links about the Two Kingdoms.

Homage to thee, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and Prince of Princes. Thou hast ruled the Two Lands from the womb of the goddess Nut. Thou hast governed the Lands of Akert. Thy members are of silver-gold, thy head is of lapis-lazuli, and the crown of thy head is of turquoise.

From the Book of the Dead

No, this is not about me, even if I've borrowed the headdress of Tutanchamon for a photo. This is a hymn to Osiris, but in the days of the ancient Egypt a ruler was also praised like this.

Visit the hhomepage of the Theban Mapping Project, take a tour in the Ancient Thebes, and see the currently discovered tomb of the sons of Ramesses, the Great. There are also some other monuments, and their description here.

The National Geographic's Ancient Egypt Pages contain many interesting documents, interactive tours, and a lot of high quality photos.

This game on the right is called Senet. Its rules lost after the era of the Pharaohs and was recreated recently. We found it a very interesting game, and combined it using concepts from another old egyptian game called "Hounds and Jackals" created a more satisfying game.

Nova Online has made a great site about the Pyramids. On these pages, you can take a tour inside of Khufu's Pyramid by Quicktime Virtual Reality. You can follow an interesting excavation which have tried to locate the palaces of the builders of the Pyramids. And there is an interview with Zahi Hawass, General Director of the Giza Plateau about the Sphinx. You can learn about the Ancient Egypt, about the theories of pyramid-building and even about the hieroglyphics.

What do you think of the picture on the right? It's a part of a naos, one of the golden chests in which Tutanchamon's three sarcophagus and mummy was hidden. Goddess Isis have guarded him quite well for 3500 years. You can take a tour in Egypt through the net and you can organize a real one, too. And when you're there, it's worth to visit the Cairo Museum. You don't even have to travel so far, you can explore the pyramids from here