Magnetic Multilayers As Seen by Photons and Neutrons






6-9 December, 2001

Budapest, Hungary








Abstract Booklet
















Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of Fe-Ag Multilayers


J. Balogh, D. Kaptás, L. F. Kiss, T. Pusztai, I. Vincze

Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Budapest, H-1525 P.O.B. 49 Hungary


M. Csontos, A. Halbritter, I. Kézsmárki, G. Mihály

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budafoki út 8. Budapest, Hungary


Fe-Ag multilayers were prepared by vacuum evaporation with two electron guns. The magnetic properties were examined by Mössbauer spectroscopy and SQUID magnetometry. Below 1 nm thickncess the Fe layers are discontinuous and the samples show giant magnetoresistance similar to that observed in granular alloys prepared with co-deposition methods. The large resistance change observed up to 12 T applied magnetic field is attributed to spin dependent electron scattering on superparamagnetic grains embeded in a nonmagnetic matrix. The superparamagnetic blocking could be observed in the temperature dependence of both the bulk magnetisation and the local hyperfine fields. The average grain size, as indicated by the blocking temperature, and the magnetoresistance depend sensitively on the nominal layer thickness. Our results indicate that the optimum concentration of the magnetic atoms to observe large magnetoresistance is not universal.


Soft-X rays Magnetic Scattering on striped and patterned films



K. Chesnel, M. Belakhovsky, S. Landis, A. Marty, B. Gilles,  B. Rodmacq
CEA Grenoble


E. Dudzik

HMI Berlin


S.P. Collins, G. van der Laan

SRS Daresbury


 S.S. Dhesi




In the frame of Nanomagnetism, we focus on systems relevant as model or application to data storage at ultrahigh densities. Soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (SXRMS) at ESRF is used to explore magnetic nanodomains in :

-         epitaxial FePd alloys with antiferromagnetic stripes

-         Co/Pt multilayers, sputter deposited onto Si nanolines

These two systems present a lateral periodicity, that leads to purely magnetic satellites in off-specular scattering at the L2,3  resonance of the 3d metal.

In the case of FePd, we have in particular :

-         obtained (qx, qz) maps that show the sensitivity to the magnetic profile in thin FePd films[1]

-         observed closure domains [2]

-         studied the influence of in situ H-field on the nanodomain topology [3]

-         recorded magnetic speckles in reflection geometry, a new way for domain dynamics.

In the case of Co/Pt nanolines on etched Si, main results deal with :

-         the sensibility of AF magnetic satellites to the pattern geometry (e.g. interline separation)

-         the study of the magnetic reversal process, by following the whole hysteresis loop [4]

Finally, some perspectives will be given on the potential of SXMRS for magnetic film studies.




[1] Dudzik E. et al, Phys. Rev. B  62 (2000)  5779

[2] Dürr H.A. et al,  Science 284 (1999)  2166 

[3] Marty A. et al, J. Appl. Phys. 87 (2000) 5472

[4] Chesnel K. et al, submitted to Phys. Rev. B



Common approach to polarized neutron - and synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry


L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D. L. Nagy

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics Budapest, H-1525 P.O.B. 49 Hungary

H. Spiering

Institut f. Anorganische Chemie und Analytische Chemie, Johannes Gutenberg Universit\"{a}t, Mainz, Germany


Spin Polarized Neutron Reflectometry (SPNR) is a powerful tool of studying magnetic multilayers (MMLs). The layer magnetisations of a MML are not necessarily parallel or antiparallel to the neutron spins, a fact resulting in spin flip scattering processes. This should be properly accounted for when SPNR data are evaluated. Important examples of this case are antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers in external magnetic field.


Close to the nuclear resonant transition energies, the hyperfine interactions affect the photon's scattering amplitude in a similar way as the atomic magnetic moments influ\-ence the scattering amplitude of neutrons. This fact is the key to Mossbauer reflectometry. With the advent of high-brilliance synchrotron radiation sources, Synchrotron Mossbauer Reflectometry (SMR) became a method of studying MMLs with an efficiency which is competitive with that of SPNR. Admittedly, SMR is restricted to MMLs containing a resonant isotope, typically 57Fe. A fast evaluation algorithm of specular SMR and nonresonant specular x-ray reflectivity data based on an anisotropic optical model of nuclear resonant photon scattering has recently been developed.


We show that the same formalism can also be used to evaluate specular SPNR data in the most general cases and with no numerical difficulties. The anisotropic optical algorithm was generalized to take into account the guiding field effect. We developed a computer program that can be used for  simultaneous fitting of data of different kinds of reflectometric methods, such as SMR, SPNR and x-ray reflectometry.



Conservation of uniaxial symmetry in Fe/Ag multilayers grown on stepped Ag(001)


B. Degroote, J. Meersschaut, J. Dekoster, B. Croonenborghs and
G. Langouche

Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


M. Major

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary.



We obtained a stepped Ag(001) surface by growing a 100 nm thick Ag film on a polished MgO(001) crystal with a miscut of 1.8º in the [10] direction. With Scanning Tunneling Microscopy we observe terraces of (7 ± 3) nm wide separated by mono-atomic steps that are straight over at least 200 nm in the [110] direction. The interface structure of Fe/Ag multilayers grown at room temperature on vicinal Ag(001) is investigated for 15 monolayers (ML) of Fe and a Ag thickness ranging from 2 to 10 ML. During Fe growth the step structure disappears at the surface of the film. When Ag is deposited on top, steps already reappear at 2 ML. For increased Ag thickness, the steps straighten out and the roughness on terraces decreases. At 8 ML of Ag the step length and surface roughness is comparable to the uncovered Ag surface. However, on larger terraces, Ag islands are observed. In addition we compare the direction of magnetization with respect to the surface normal of an [Fe(15ML)/Ag(4ML)]16 multilayer grown on vicinal and flat Ag(001). For the vicinal substrate, at room temperature, we observe in-plane magnetization whereas for the flat substrate the magnetization is 29º out-of-plane. The results are discussed with respect to step anisotropy and step-related symmetry.


Probing the Magnetisation Reversal and Morphology in Transition Metal Multilayers


T.P.A. Hase, J.D.R. Buchanan and B.K. Tanner

Department of Physics, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE


C.H. Marrows M. Perez and B.J. Hickey

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT


S. Foster, R. Dalgliesh and S. Langridge

ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX


Grazing incidence x-ray scattering is a proven technique for the elucidation of structural interface morphologies in transition metal multilayers. An equally important parameter is the magnetisation profile and morphology at the interfaces. We present polarised neutron reflectivity and resonant magnetic x-ray data from the same, anti-ferromagnetically coupled Fe/Cr, Co/Cu and Co/Ru multilayers. Both experimental methods probe the magnetisation direction and amplitude. We compare both the specular and diffuse scatter, recorded over the same out-of-plane momentum transfer range, using both experimental techniques. Models based on domain disorder, magnetic ripple and interface roughness are contrasted, and the sensitivity of the experimental techniques to each are discussed. By following the intensity variations of specular peaks, the coupled rotations of the AF layers are followed in real time. This reveals substantial magnetic viscosity occurring over timescales of minutes, being field amplitude and direction sensitive.


Unlike the neutron data, no specular AF peak is observed in the same Fe/Cr and Co/Ru systems when these samples are studied using resonant x-ray scattering. A clear diffuse peak is observed both at the structural and half-order magnetic Bragg peaks. By assuming a simple height-height correlation function we have been able to obtain separately in-plane correlation lengths and roughness for the magnetic and charge roughness morphology.


Epitaxial Fe/Si/Fe(001) - Structure and Magnetism of a Unique System


Jürgen Kohlhepp

Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology,
P.O.Box 513, 5600MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands


In the search for novel magnetoelectronic devices mainly all-metallic systems like e.g. Co/Cu have been investigated in great detail in the past. Nowadays metal/semiconductor and metal/insulator combinations draw more and more attention as possible new materials for spin-electronics.

Fe/Si/Fe sandwich systems epitaxially grown on atomically clean Ge(001)or Ag(001) substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) have been studied extensively by a number of  both in-situ and ex-situ methods, including LEED, XPS, AES, STM, Mössbauer spectroscopy, x-ray reflectometry, MOKE and polarized neutron reflectometry. These systems feature a number of both structural as well as magnetic interesting and unique properties: A bcc-like (001) structure is maintained throughout the layers after the recrystallization of the spacer into a metastable iron silicide phase with a CsCl (B2) structure by Fe/Si interdiffusion during growth. Both very stong bilinear and biquadratic magnetic interlayer exchange coupling are observed with a rather exceptional behaviour, their strengths decay exponentially with the nominal Si spacer layer thickness, in contrast to the usually observed oscillatory behaviour. Furthermore, the biquadratic exchange shows a strong temperature dependence, whereas the bilinear coupling is almost temperature independent. While the bilinear coupling is an intrinsic effect caused by distinct density of states features of the metallic iron-silicide spacer, the biquadratic exchange is extrinsic in nature and can be understood by so-called ”loose spins” in the spacer layer.


Spin-resolved polarized and unpolarized neutron off-specular scattering for magnetic multilayer studies


V.Lauter-Pasyuk1,2, H.J.Lauter3, B.Toperverg4,5, L. Romashev6, V. Ustinov6


1TU München, D-85747 Garching, Germany

2JINR, 141980 Dubna, Russia

3ILL, B.P.156, F-38042, Grenoble, France

4PNPI, 188450, Gatchina, Russia

5IFF, D-52425 Jülich, Germany

6Institute of Metal Physics, 62019 Ekterinburg, Russia


The non-collinear coupling of magnetic moments in a Fe-Cr multilayer stack is laterally constrained to domains seen by off-specular spin-flip half order Bragg-sheet scattering. The magnetic field dependence of the coupling angle, which scales with the GMR effect, is directly obtained through the cut-off of the off-specular Bragg-sheet scattering at the neutron spin-dependent critical angles.

Interface roughness manifests in off-specular scattering through full order Bragg-peaks. It is independent on a magnetic field and thus does not influence the magnetic field dependence of the GMR effect.

We report also on a new possibility using unpolarized neutron scattering for the investigation of magnetic structure in exchange coupled magnetic multilayers. Strong anomalies in the off-specular scattering are determined by the spin-flip process originating from magnetic structure in the multilayer. This spin-flip selective process enables to use unpolarized neutrons.

A complete 2-dimensional data analysis of specular and off-specular scattering has been employed to verify the details of the layer magnetic structure and the in-plane domain distribution in Fe/Cr multilayers, a typical system showing the GMR-effect.

2-dimensional model calculations performed in the DWBA with supermatrix formalism allows for a detailed comparison of the data in particular in regions with interference from spin-dependent critical angle scattering with off-specular scattering of the multilayer structure. A very good agreement of the 2-dimensional model calculation with the data is obtained.


The approach to spin resolution in experiments with grazing-incidence neutrons



Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany


Spin-resolved specular and diffuse scattering of grazing incidence neutrons from a flat sample surface may provide us with important details on the magnetic and the chemical structure of magnetic multilayer samples, such as the magnitude, orientation, and homogeneity of the local magnetic fields in the individual layers or the chemical and magnetic roughness of the interfaces. Since the distribution of the practical scattering angles of the neutrons are broader then the acceptance angle for the standard supermirror neutron spin analizer, the application of wide-angle neutron spin filters are desirable. In the present talk the usage and performance of polarized 3He gas neutron spin analyser will be presented as used at the EVA reflectometer at ILL.

The detection of the neutrons which are diffusely scattered in the sample plane normal to the incoming neutron beam, can be made very effective by the combination of the neutron spin echo with inclined magnetic field borders in neutron reflectometry set-up (SERGIS, spin-echo resolved grazing incidence neutron scattering). In the talk results obtained from the first SERGIS experiments will also be shown as well as the possibility will be discussed, how can this method be applied for the study of magnetic systems.



Off-specular synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometry in studying domain structure of antiferromagnetic multilayers


D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, M. Major, E. Szilágyi

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics,
P.O.B. 49, H–1525 Budapest, Hungary

 B. Degroote, J. Dekoster, J. Meersschaut, A. Vantomme

K.U. Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Celestijnenlaan 200 D, B‑3001 Leuven, Belgium

O. Leupold, R. Rüffer
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, F–38043 Grenoble, France

J. Swerts, K. Temst

K.U. Leuven, Laboratorium voor Vaste-Stoffysica en Magnetisme,
Celestijnenlaan 200 D, B‑3001 Leuven, Belgium

Specular reflectometric methods have been known to probe the plane-perpendicular component qz of the scattering vector in a stratified system thereby revealing its (possibly periodic) depth profile. The off-specular (diffuse) reflectivity probes the component qx of the scattering vector and reveals the in-plane correlation length of the scattering amplitude. We used off-specular synchrotron Möss­bauer reflectometry (SMR) to study the in-plane correlation length of the magnetisation direction in an antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled multilayer. The SMR qx-scan width at the AF Bragg-peak (i.e. at fixed qz) is inversely proportional to the size of the AF domains. Using off-specular SMR a surprising magnetic-field-history dependence of the AF-domain size in a Fe/Cr coupled superlattice with fourfold magnetocrystalline anisotropy was revealed.

Sub-micrometer-size primary domains were formed as the exter­nal field was de­creased from well above the apparent saturation field of the AF-coupled Fe layers of about 0.9 T. On decreasing the field to zero, a spontaneous, coercivity-limited growth of the domains ('ripening') resulted in do­mains of a few micrometer size. When a small field of about 14 mT along the layer magnetizations in­duced a spin-flop tran­sition, a secondary domain state with majority large and mi­nority small do­mains was created ('coarsening'). The large domains were at least ten times bigger than the small ones. The primary small-domain state only retained when a field of about 1.3 T (i.e. well above the apparent saturation field) had been applied again.

The AF-domain size distribution was found to reproducibly depend on the magnetic field history. The condition for do­main coarsening in AF multilayers is the equilibrium of the exter­nal field en­ergy with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy rather than with the domain wall en­ergy. The spin-flop-induced domain coarsening is an explosion-like growths of the domain size, not connected with long-range domain-wall motion and, consequently, not limited by coercivity.

The observed apparent 'supersaturation memory effect' is probably related to the magnetism of the Cr spacer layers.

Neutron standing waves for multilayer applications


Yu. V. Nikitenko

Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

Possibilities of creating a field of neutron standing waves in a layered nanostructure for the purposes of  investigation of the properties of the structure itself are discussed. The status of investigations of such neutron wave fields is formulated. The results of investigations in the regimes of neutron standing waves and enhanced neutron standing waves with a specified neutron spin state  using different measurement channels are presented.


FeAu multilayers seen by MOKE and CEMS


T.Ślęzak1, D. Wilgocka-Ślęzak1, B.Croonenborghs2, M.Rots2, W.Karaś1, K. Krop1,

N. Spiridis3, J.Korecki1,3


1Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.

2K.U. Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.

3Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Niezapominajek 8, 30-239 Kraków, Poland



Epitaxial metallic multilayers allow fabrication of the artificial phases having intriguing magnetic properties. Monoatomic FeAu superlattices are well known example possessing perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, large magnetic moments combined with a high Curie temperature . The MBE layer by layer growth stabilizes L10 –type ordered phase that not exist in Fe-Au phase diagram. In the present work the coupling behavior will be demonstrated in the two types of multilayers. First one composed of FeAu monoatomic superlattices as building blocks (spaced with Au nonmagnetic spacers) and the second one, more complicated, consisting of FeAu superlattices separated by the Au spacer layer from the ultra-thin pure Fe films. The first mentioned configuration leads to the artificial antiferromagnets formation with an out-of-plane easy magnetization axis. The second one allows  stabilization of the modern non-collinear magnetic states arising from the subtle competition between magnetic anisotropy and the interlayer exchange coupling in the multilayers with sub-layers having alternatively out-of-plane and in-plane magnetic anisotropy. The magnetic properties of the MBE grown samples were investigated with polar and longnitudinal MOKE and CEMS. The CIP magnetoresistance was measured with conventional four-terminal method at temperatures between 5K and RT.


Kerr-Microscopy on Magnetic Multilayers


R. Schaefer

IFW-Dresden, Helmholtzstr. 20, D-01069 Dresden, Germany

Magnetooptical Kerr microscopy, enhanced by image processing, is known for being a very versatile method of domain imaging for all kinds of magnetic materials. Samples of arbitrary geometry can quickly be investigated at ambient conditions with magnifications that can vary over several orders of magnitude. Arbitrary magnetic fields can be applied, allowing the study of magnetization processes, and observations at high or low temperature are possible in a heating stage and optical cryostat, respectively. In magnetic multilayers, an information depth of about 20 nm allows the simultaneous imaging of domains in all layers within that thickness range. Under favorable conditions, layers may also be selectively imaged by using a phase shifting compensator.

In this presentation the possibilities of Kerr microscopy for the analysis of the magnetic microstructure in magnetic multilayers will be reviewed by presenting observations on (i) sandwiches and multilayers with ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and biquadratic coupling, (ii) weakly coupled and virtually uncoupled multilayers, (iii) spin-valve systems, and (iv) exchange-biased antiferromagnet/ferromagnet bilayers and soft-/hard ferromagnetic bilayers.


 Structural and magnetic properties of periodic dot lattices studied by off-specular x-ray and neutron reflectivity


K. Temst, M.J. Van Bael, J. Swerts, C. Van Haesendonck, Y. Bruynseraede

Laboratorium voor Vaste-Stoffysica en Magnetisme, K.U. Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200 D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium


H. Fritzsche

BENSC, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Glienicker Strasse 100, D-14109 Berlin, Germany


We have studied the structural and magnetic properties of small magnetic polycrystalline Co islands, which are prepared by a combination of electron beam lithography and molecular beam epitaxy on SiO2 substrates, with the aim of elucidating the interplay between shape and physical properties. The islands have a rectangular shape with dimensions of the order of 300 nm up to a few micron.  They are placed in a square array with a period of a few micron; an area of several cm² is patterned.

Specular and off-specular x-ray reflectivity measurements have been carried out to study the internal structure of the dots, as well as the in-plane periodicity of the dot array.  Magnetic force microscopy measurements reveal the domain structure in the dots and provide the possibility to chart the transition from single-domain to multidomain structures by varying the aspect ratio of the dots.

Finally, off-specular polarized neutron reflectivity experiments were carried out to study the magnetization reversal in the dots.  By measuring the intensity of the resonant satellite peak in the off-specular reflectivity as a function of applied field, and by analyzing the spin-flip and non-spin-flip reflectivity, a vectorial determination of the in-plane magnetization in the dot can be made.


This work is supported by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (FWO), the Flemish Concerted Action (GOA), the Belgian Inter-University Attraction Poles (IUAP) research programs, and by the European Commission under the Human Potential Program (HPRI-1999-CT00020).  KT and MJVB are post-doctoral research fellows of the FWO.


Studies on Rare-Earth/Iron and Actinide/Iron Multilayers


M.F. Thomas, G.S. Case, J. Bland, A. Herring, W.G. Stirling, S. Tixier1, P. Boni1,
R.C.C. Ward2, M.R. Wells2 S. Langridge3

Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK

1Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland

2Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford,Oxford OX1 3PU,UK

3ISIS, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxfordshire OX11 QX, UK


Multilayers of Ce/Fe and U/Fe were fabricated by sputtering and studied by a variety of techniques including x-ray reflectivity, x-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy, magnetization and polarized neutron reflectivity.

Mössbauer spectra showed the iron layers to be composed of crystalline and amorphous components. Strong interfacial magnetic anisotropy was observed in Ce/Fe (and in Ce/FeCoV) multilayers that resulted in iron layers with large perpendicular moment components for iron layer thicknesses less than ~17Å. In studying the mechanism for the interfacial anisotropy, polarised neutron reflectivity results measured the moments on the iron layers but did not detect moments on the intervening Ce or U layers.



Dependence of spin density wave polarization, on the growing temperature of Fe/Cr trilayers


Van Eek S.M., Aernout D., Slezak T., Meerschaut J., Cronenbourghs B., Wilgocka-Slezak D., Rots M.

Institut voor Kern en Stralingsfysica, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.



Previous investigations by Dekoster et al. [1] found that the IC (Interlayer Coupling) between Fe layers in Fe/Cr/Fe depends strongly on the growth temperature of the trilayer and the magnetic properties of the Cr spacer layer. This effect was found not to be a result of strain and roughness at the interfaces.

Trilayers Fe(40Å)/ Cr(80 Å) /Fe(40 Å) were grown with MBE on a MgO(001) substrate at different temperatures. 111In probes were implanted inside the trilayer to measure PAC spectra. The structure and composition of the samples was monitored with RHEED and RBS. Additionally the interlayer exchange coupling was analysed using a VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer).

The VSM magnetization curves measured as a function of temperature (10K to 300K) for the Fe/Cr trilayer grown at RT show no coupling. This behaviour is interpreted as the influence of the Cr magnetic ordering. PAC measurements show the presence of a longitudinal SDW in the Cr layer at T=77K to 290K, in correlation with the coupling behaviour.

Results on trilayers grown at higher temperatures will be presented and compared with previous results on Fe/Cr multilayers.




[1] J. Dekoster, J. Meerschaut, S. Hogg, S. Mangin, E. Nordstrom, A. Vantomme. and G. Langouche JMMM 198-199(1999) pp303-305


Magnetic heterostructures as seen by x-rays and neutrons


Hartmut Zabel

Institut für Experimentalphysik/Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

D 44780 Bochum, Germany



The magnetism of ultrathin magnetic heterostructures is one of the most active fields in the area of condensed matter and materials science research. This interest is driven by their use in an increasing number of applications as spin- and magneto-electronic devices. In addition, there is a genuine interest in exploring scaling and proximity effects as one of the physical dimensions is reduced. Traditionally neutron scattering has played a dominant role for the determination of spin structures, phase transitions, and magnetic excitations in bulk materials. Today, its potential for the investigation of thin magnetic films has to be redefined. In the field of thin film magnetism, polarized neutron reflectivity (PNR) at small wave vectors can provide precise information on the magnetic field distribution normal to the film plane and on layer resolved magnetisation vectors. Therefore, neutron scattering remains a unique method for unravelling the magnetisation in thin films and superlattices independent of their thickness and depth below the surface. In addition, x-ray resonant magnetic scattering has gained in recent years much momentum. Similar to PNR, XRMS is sensitive to the layer magnetisation and to the magnetic roughness, while adding element specificity. In this lecture recent examples from studies of magnetic heterostructures via magnetic neutron and x-ray scattering will be discussed and compared. The main emphasis will be on exchange coupled Ho/Y superlattices and on Co/CoO exchange biased systems.


Study of biquadratic coupling in Fe/Cr multilayers



D. Aernout, S.M. Van Eek, T.Slezak, D. Wilgocka, B. Croonenborghs, D. Knops, 
J. Meersschaut, M. Rots

Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, België


Previous investigations on Fe/Cr trilayers grown at T>423K showed that the difference in the coupling strength is dependent on the growth temperature of the system and is correlated to the strain in the Cr layer [1].  Fe(3nm)/Cr(6nm)/Fe(3nm) trilayers were grown at different temperatures (295K, 400K and 575K).  Magnetization curves were measured by vibrating sample magnetometry and homogeneity of the sample was checked with MOKE.  Strain was measured with Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy in channeling geometry along the (111)-axis for the Fe and Cr layers separately.  X-ray reflectivity measurements determine the total thickness and roughness present in the Fe/Cr trilayer.


[1] J.Dekoster et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 198-199, 303 (1999)



Magnetic structure of thin films and multilayers as seen by nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation


L. Bottyán, L. Deák, M. Major, D.L. Nagy

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, P.O.B. 49, H–1525 Budapest, Hungary



The remarkable features of nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) of thin films were realized and dealt with from the early 60s, it has only been recently that the high brilliance and high degree of polarization of synchrotron radiation (SR), monochromator and detector techniques at 3rd generation sources allowed NRS to develop into a spectroscopic method in surface and thin film magnetism. For brevity, we call NRS of SR on thin films Synchrotron Mössbauer Reflectometry (SMR). SMR combines the sensitivity of Mössbauer spectroscopy to hyperfine interactions with the depth information yielded by reflectometry (1-3). SMR is established in the time and angular regime. Time differential (TD) SMR gives local (hyperfine beating) information at a given incidence, time integral (TI) SMR gives integral hyperfine depth profile and superstructure information. Off-specular scattering and incoherent scattering offer novel applications.


Experimental setup at the ID18 in ESRF is shown in Figure 1: Compound refractive lens for vertical focusing; high heat load Si(1 1 1) double crystal monochromator with 3 eV bandwidth; nested high­resolution monochromator composed of two channel cut (Si(4 2 2) and Si(12 2 2)) crystals with 6 meV bandpass; horizontally focusing Si(1 1 1) monochromator; cryomagnetic system with sample and the fast avalanche photo diode detector system.


In the past few years SMR has become a reality down to the atomic monolayer level. The rapidly expanding field is admittedly limited to a few available isotopes, mostly 57Fe. Four selected applications will be shown, to which our group contributed to and in which, to our belief, SMR successfully completed the results gathered by established methods in thin film magnetism.


SMR and neutron reflectometry (PNR with polarization analysis) can be mapped onto each other and a common optical formalism exist (4).The types of magnetic information that SMR may supply are illustrated Fig. 2: (a) TDSMR patterns for different orientations of the hyperfine field Hhf in a thin Fe film. (b) Simulated TISMR patterns for Fe multilayers for different orientations of the hyperfine field Hhf.


(1) R. Röhlsberger, Hyp. Interact., 123/124 (1999) 455.

(2) D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, L. Deák, E. Szilágyi, H. Spiering, J. Dekoster, G. Langouche: Hyp. Int. 126 (2000) 349.

(3) A.I. Chumakov, D.L. Nagy, L. Niesen, E.E. Alp, Hyp. Int. 123/124 (1999) 427.

(4) L. Deák, L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy, H. Spiering, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 297
                        (1-4) (2001) pp. 113-117 





D. Wilgocka-Slezak, Slezak T., J. KORECKI,

Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques,
University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland

B. CroOnenborghs, J. Meerschaut, M. Rots

Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


Recently, the stabilisation of non-collinear magnetic states in systems consisting of thin magnetic layers separated by nonmagnetic spacers was theoretically predicted [1].  This new magnetic configuration can be observed when every second magnetic layer in the stack has magnetisation direction pointing out-of-plane, whereas intermediate layers are in-plane magnetised.  We report on experimental studies of this phenomenon in epitaxial FeAu multilayers


[Fe5/ Au(001) ´ N / (Fe1Au1) ´ 3 / Au(001) ´ N] ´ 10 multilayers were grown at RT for N=2, 3, … 24 monolayers on a Au(001) buffer layer.  (Fe1Au1) ´ 3 monoatomic superlattices show perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, whereas 5 monolayers of Fe (Fe5) have nominally in-plane magnetisation direction.  The growth mode was monitored by RHEED, STM and CEMS.  Magnetisation curves were taken with VSM and MOKE and were followed by resistivity measurements.  Out-of-plane magnetisation measurements showed that for small N (strong interlayer coupling) the (Fe1Au1) ´ 3 as well as the Fe5 layers were magnetised in the film plane.  With increasing N saturation magnetic field in the perpendicular direction was decreasing from about 0.2T (N=2) to less than 0.01T for N=12.  However the remanent magnetisation was always small.  For thicker Au interlayers perpendicular magnetisation component increased, indicating existence of non-collinear magnetic states.  In-plane magnetisation measurements showed that the relative alignment of (Fe1Au1) ´ 3 and Fe5 magnetisation in the (001)-plane also depends on the Au-spacer thickness, revealing the interlayer exchange coupling changes.




[1]  A. Taga et al.; Nature, 406, (2000), p.208 


Spin-flip spatial neutron beam splitting



Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

Possible uses of the effect of beam splitting for investigations of magnetic media and formation of neutron beams are discussed. The results of experimental investigations of magnetic layers and layered structures are presented. The application of the effect for the determination of the parameters of uniformly magnetized magnetics and magnetics with a domain structure will be mentioned as perspectives.


Neutron reflection from ultrasonically excited layered structures


V. V. Proglyado

Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia



The regimes of total reflection of polarized neutrons from a layered structure are investigated as a function of the amplitude and frequency of transverse and longitudinal ultrasonic waves excited in the structure. The off-specular reflection of neutrons and the shifting of the nodes and antinodes of the neutron wave field are observed.


Simulation of domain formation and domain coarsening in

antiferromagnetic multilayers


M. Major, L. Bottyán, D. L. Nagy

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics,

P.O.B. 49, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary


A Monte Carlo simulation of patch-domain formation and domain coarsening in antiferromagnetically coupled compensated multilayers with fourfold in-plane anisotropy is presented. The simulation accounts for both the emergence of small patch domains on unsaturation and the domain coarsening on spin flop.


Structural roughness and magnetization reversal in thin Fe films


J. Swerts, K. Temst, N. Vandamme, C. Van Haesendonck, Y. Bruynseraede

Laboratorium voor Vaste-Stoffysica en Magnetisme Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium



Magnetic properties such as coercivity and domain structure of magnetic thin films and multilayers are strongly influenced by surface and interface roughness. In addition to roughness, magnetic properties of thin films are also dependent on preparation conditions, thickness and various other factors.

We report on the study of the interplay between roughness and magnetic properties in polycrystalline Fe films. Fe films, 300Å thick, were deposited simultaneously with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on amorphous SiO2 substrates previously coated with an Ag buffer layer of varying thickness (0-50-100-150Å). The surface morphology of these buffer layers was quantitatively investigated ex-situ by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Analysis of the AFM images revealed that the root mean square (RMS) surface roughness of the Ag buffer layer increases as the layer becomes thicker. The Magneto-optical Kerr-effect (MOKE) was used to investigate the magnetic properties of the Fe films. The measurements revealed that the coercivity increases with growing surface roughness and that the magnetization reversal process is influenced by the lateral characteristics of the surface. 


This work has been supported by the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (FWO), the Belgian IUAP, and the Flemish GOA programs. K.T. is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow of the FWO.