The 8-bit inspiration

This is a blog I'm writing occasionally about getting inspiration from the 8-bit era, notably by spending some time with my favourite Commodore Plus/4 machine. I started these as guest posts at a a blog page of Pipas, a friend of mine, but as he does not frequently use this anymore, I decided to make a stand-alone series.

My approach is probably unusual in this community: I'm not a gamer nor a collector (though I very much appreciate these guys). I'm a researcher and IT professional and I picked up my addiction to computing in the 1980's as a kid, writing BASIC programs on a Plus/4. Consequently it has a great nostalgia factor to sit down to such a machine, and I find the challenges of these little projects also inspiring also for my current work.

While I know there are similar human beings around (notably my friend Peter who has his great blog on Github I'm very much fond of. Yet according to the very limited feedback I had so far, these pieces are most probably interesting for myself and maybe a very few of us. In spite of that, I hope that there are some people out there who would enjoy.

As of feedback, I'm an old-fashioned chap, so this is plain html here, but I appreciate feedback via e-mail (please find my contacts on my personal webpage.

1 Contents:

1. Preamble Why is this at all? A bit of (personal) history 2020-01-04
2. Random trees Drawing trees in Basic. A neat idea from an 1980's book 2020-01-23
3. Working on a Plus/4 Doing real work on a Plus/4 today, using the built in editor 2020-02-14
4. A XORSHIFT generator in assembly Understanding Marsaglia XORSHIFT generators by implementing one of them. My first assembly code! 2020-12-30

Date: 2020-12-30

Author: A blog by Mátyás Koniorczyk

Created: 2021-02-17 Wed 13:37
