Hírek, újdonságok
(frissítve: 2000. október 10.)

A IUPAC  megvitatásra közzéteszi az alábbi ajánlását:

Macromolecular Division
Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature

Definitions Relating to Stereochemically Asymmetric Polymerizations

Asymetric polymerization has been the interest of many academic and industrial plymer scientists, but no reference has been made by IUPAC explicitly to definitions of rections involving the asymmetric synthesis of polymers. Hence, this document presents definitios concerned with asymmetric and related polymerizations, with examples included to clarify the meaning of the definitions. Asymmetric polymerizations embrace two main categories, "asymmetric chirogenic polymerizations" and asymmetric enentiomer-differentiating polymerizations".

Comments by 30 April 2001

To Prof. Maximo Baron
Catedra de Fisica
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Belgrano
Villanueva 1324
1426 Buenos Aires

Tel: +54-11-4511-4700
Fax: +54-11-4821-4887
E-mail: baron@ub.edu.ar

Az ajánlás részletes szövege elérhető a http://www.iupac.org/reports/provisional/abstract00/baron_300401.html címen.

Az említetten kívül még több IUPAC ajánlás szöveg megtalálható a http://www.iupac.org/reports/provisional/index.html


                                     Brátánné Mikics Vera

* * *

2000. szeptember 12.

Az alábbi levelet kaptuk a IUPAC Titkárságáról:

Lab Course in Poland, June 2001-
"Determination of High-Resolution Structures for the Post-Genomic Age"

The announcement below was recently received at the IUPAC Secretariat.
Please distribute it as you think appropriate.
With funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the U.S. National
Research Council is sponsoring an intensive lab course for researchers from
Central/Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States.  The first part of
the course, devoted to macromolecular nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),
will be held at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics in Warsaw, and
the second part, concerned with macromolecular X-ray crystallography, at
the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry in Poznan.

Course Co-Directors:  Dr. Alexander Wlodawer, Associate Director, Program
in Structural Biology, and Chief, Macromolecular Crystallography
Laboratory, National Cancer Institute-Frederick Cancer Research and
Development Center; Dr. R. Andrew Byrd, Chief, Structural Biophysics
Laboratory, and Chief, Macromolecular NMR Section, National Cancer
Institute-Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center.

Host Co-Organizers:  Prof. Mariusz Jaskólski, Head, Center for
Biocrystallographic Research, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish
Academy of Sciences (Poznan); Prof. Andrzej Rabczenko, Institute of
Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)

Instructors:  The list of guest instructors and lecturers from the United
States and Europe has not yet been finalized but will be posted at
http://www.nationalacademies.org/oia when available, along with a complete
course agenda.

The organizers are also interested in any suggestions as to other
organizations, websites, publications, etc. that might be contacted to
publicize the course. Also, if any organizations might like to become
involved in the course in some way, they should contact Kelly Robbins,
Senior Program Officer, National Research Council, Office of International
Affairs at the address given in the attachment.

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has provided full funding for the
course, however the organizers say that they could certainly think about
adding components if for example a professional society or other
organization were interested in getting involved (an extra lecturer,
reception, post-doc opportunity for top student, etc.).

John Jost
Executive Director

Az említett konferenciáról részletes ismertetőt itt találhatnak.

* * *

Changes in Statutes and Bylaws
July 20, 2000
To: National Adhering Organisations

This is to remind all National Adhering Organisation of the following Statute.

S14.3 Changes in the Statutes may be proposed by the Bureau or any Adhering Organisation. Notice of changes so proposed shall reach the Secretary General at the Secretariat in writing at least ten months before the meeting of the Council at which the proposal is to be considered. No change shall be made except at a meeting of the Council and with the Approval of two-thirds of the total number of votes assigned to the Adhering Organisations.

Ten months before 2001 Council meeting is 7 September 2000.

John W. Jost
Executive Director

* * *

IUPAC Prize 2000 - IUPAC Prize 2001

A IUPAC fiatal kutató vegyészek számára alapította meg díját, melyet évente ítélnek oda. Részletes pályázati kiírást az alábbi web oldalon  lehet megtalálni:

A IUPAC Prize 2000 pályázat nyerteseinek listája és a nyertes dolgozatok megtalálhatják a IUPAC  honlapján az alábbi címen:

Kérem a kollégákat, amennyire módjukban áll, a felhívást terjesszék, hogy a magyar egyetemek hallgatói is pályázhassanak a jövő évi díjra.


                                                                                                                Pungor Ernő
                                                                                                                az MNB elnöke

Vissza a honlapra