
June 14-21, 1998.
Mátraháza, Hungary
Pór, B.: "Out of forest" (1905)

  • Second Announcement

    Dear Colleagues,

    It is a pleasure to inform you that we got a very good response to the first round of invitations to the

    8-th International Workshop on Multiparticle Production:

    Correlations and Fluctuations '98

    where both theoretists and experimentalists will present recent findings on multiparticle correlations and density fluctuations in hadronic final states of all types of high energy collisions. We hope to define new directions of experimental and theoretical investigation through formal as well as informal discussion during this meeting.


    Following previous workshops in Aspen, Jinan, Perugia, Santa Fe, Ringberg, Krakow and Nijmegen, the 8-th International Workshop on Multiparticle Production will take place at the conference hotel "Ózon" situated in a beautiful forest close to the village of Mátraháza, near to the city of Gyöngyös located 80 km northeast from Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

    Arrival of participants is planned for Sunday, June 14, departure for Sunday, June 21, 1998. Sessions will be held from Monday, June 15 in the morning to Sunday, June 21 in the morning.


    The topics of the workshop will be a comparison of "Correlations and Fluctuations" observed in the hadronic final states of all types of high energy collisions, from e+e- to heavy ion reactions. Special emphasis will be put on the interaction among the experts of correlation and fluctuation studies in particle physics and in high energy heavy ion communities. A larger than usual fraction of the speakers will thus be invited from the heavy ion community and an extra day will be added to cover in detail the topics of the workshop. We plan to reserve ample time for both formal and informal discussions throughout the meeting.
    The very preliminary agenda of the scientific program is as follows,

    Sunday, June 14: p.m: Arrival

    Monday, June 15: a.m.: Bose-Einstein Correlations I. (heavy ion)

    Monday, June 15: p.m.: Bose-Einstein Correlations II. (heavy ion)

    Tuesday, June 16: a.m.: Bose-Einstein Correlations III. (hadron - hadron)

    Tuesday, June 16: p.m.: Bose-Einstein Correlations IV. (lepton - lepton)

    Wendesday, June 17: a.m.: Disoriented Chiral Condensates (theory + experiment)

    Wendesday, June 17: p.m.: Excursion to Eger/Hollókö

    Thursday, June 18: a.m.: Correlations and Fluctuations in Jets (theory + experiment)

    Thursday, June 18: p.m.: New features of Multiplicity Distributions (theory + experiment)

    Friday, June 19: a.m.: Theoretical Developments I

    Friday, June 19: p.m.: Excursion in the Matra mountains (30 min to 3 h walks, with informal discussions )

    Saturday, June 20: a.m.: Theoretical Developments II (QCD)

    Saturday, June 20: p.m.: Particle composition, spectra and correlations

    Sunday, June 21: a.m.: Closing talk and departure

    During this meeting we would like to dedicate 3 talks to the memory of the late P. Carruthers and V. N. Gribov, focusing on the current new directions that are related with their heritage. We plan to have invited review talks, on DCC by J. D. Bjorken(*), on correlations and fluctuations in QCD by Yu. Dokshitzer and on chaotic scattering and symbolic dynamics by T. Tel.

    (*) Participation is to be confirmed.


    The proceedings will be published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd. and a copy will be sent to all participants. The deadline for submission of camera-ready manuscripts will be August 31, 1998. Page allocation per speaker and format required by the publisher will be handed out to speakers during the workshop.


    For accommodation and workshop itself, the entire conference hotel "Ózon" has been reserved for the period June 14 (evening) to June 21 (noon). The cost for the whole workshop will be as follows:

    Registration: 180 USD or 36 000 HUF.
    Registration for accompaning persons: 50 USD or 10 000 HUF
    Meals: 90 USD or 18 000 HUF

    Accommodation is available in the Business part (B, 45 rooms) in the Classic Part (C, 15 rooms) or in case of overbooking in Hotel Berc within 5 minutes walk. The hotel expenses are as follows:

    Business/Single: 210 USD or 42 000 HUF (about 30 rooms)
    Business/Double: 105 USD or 21 000 HUF (about 15 rooms)
    Classic/Single: 120 USD or 24 000 HUF (about 7-8 rooms)
    Classic/Double: 70 USD or 14 000 HUF (about 7-8 rooms)
    Note that the above prices refer to the whole period of the CF'98 meeting.

    Late registration fee: 220 USD or 44 000 HUF. (After April 1, 1998).

    Please note that the approximate exchange rate 1 USD = 200 HUF is just an estimate, but we accept payments both in USD and in HUF, whichever is preferable for the participants. The registration fee includes access to the conference facilities, excursion, banquett and a copy of the proceedings. Please fill out our Registration Form to indicate your preference for accommodation. We request to pre-pay the registration fee in accordance with your hotel reservation to KFKI RMKI, before April 1, 1998.


    By air:
    Hotel Ózon can be reached via the Budapest Ferihegy I or II International Airports. The Ferihegy Airports are providing convenient minibus services to any part of Budapest for a reasonable price. You may chose to take such an airport shuttle to the country bus station Nepstadion. There is a direct bus connection between the Nepstadion station and Hotel Ózon through the country town Gyöngyös, to the montain resort village of Mátraháza. The bus schedule will be revised at the end of May 1998; the new version will be sent to you as soon as available.

    By train:
    Good train connection exists between Budapest and the other parts of Europe. Train schedules can be provided on request. When arriving to a major railway station in Budapest, take a subway and change to line 3 (the red line) if you arrived to the Nyugati pu. On the subway line 3 (the red line) take the trains going to the Ors vezer tere direction and get off at the Nepstadion. Change to a bus at the Nepstadion bus station. The Budapest-Mátra buses stop directly before Hotel Ózon, the conference site.

    IMPORTANT NOTE : If you arrive to Budapest either by air or by train, please make sure to arrive before 15:00 so that you could safely catch a bus from Budapest to Hotel Ozon in Matrahaza. Note that we plan to schedule a special conference bus in the afternoon (and, depending on the interest, also in the morning ) of Sunday, June 14, from Budapest. More details will be announced in the last announcement.

    By car:
    The Mátra hills can be reached by car following the highway M3 from Budapest. Head for Gyongyos and when in Gyongyos make a right to the Matra hills (direction Matrahaza). After Matrafured, look for the bus-stop signs, one of these will be next to Hotel Ozon.

    Passport and visa:
    Please make sure your passport is not expired and you have your visa (if required).


    A small welcome party will be organized on Monday evening and a workshop banquet on Friday. A halfday excursion will take place on Wednesday to including a visit to Eger, a beautiful medieval city in North-East of Hungary or Hollókö a famous village part of the UNESCO World Heritage. The conference center itself is situated at the crossing point of several forest hiking routes allowing for hikes lasting between 5 minutes and 5 days (maps are recommended and will be available). Ping-pong tables, a sauna and a tennis yard will be available, as well as a small bar for informal discussions during the evening.


    Attendance will be by invitation only and limited to about 60 participants actively working in the field. In principle, every participant will be given time for a short presentation, but time will be also reserved for formal discussions during the sessions and (most importantly) informal ones in between.

    Note that we plan to organize this meeting almost completely electronically. If you would like to receive a printed or faxed copy of the letter of invitation, please let us know by e-mail.

    Please respond by i) sending us a brief abstract of your talk and ii) your hotel preferences on the registration form and by wiring the money to the conference account, as indicated on the registration form. As we have to pre-pay some of the expeses we request for a payment of your conference expenses (registration, meals and hotel) before April 1 . Please inform us also about your planned arrival and departure schedule, and in particular, if your travel plans change .

      Looking forward to seeing you in Hungary,

      T. Csörgö, S. Hegyi, R. C. Hwa and G. Jancsó, .

      the organizing committee,

      B. Buschbeck and W. Kittel for the advisors,

      Elizabeth Fritz and A. Ster for the Secretariat.

    - Last updated on February 17, 1997 -