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is a Web forum organized mainly for Hungarian chemists and students. However, the links to Hungarian research sites and universities (involved in chemistry) as well as the ChemoNet Phonebook may prove useful for our foreign readers. Besides, you can find here a few articles, the contents of the Hungarian Journal of Chemistry, Chemical Communications (with abstracts of Ph.D. theses), short synopses of the inauguration lectures at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the articles of Polanyiana (periodical of the Michael Polanyi Liberal Philosophical Association), and you can visit some "rooms" of the Hungarian Chemistry Museum.

ChemoNet thanks for substantial contributions by the Chemical Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary's leading chemical research institute, and the Open Society Institute; ChemoNet was supported by an Electronic Publishing Development Program grant funded by the Foundation Open Society Institute.

We acknowledge additional support from Pro Renovada Cultura Hungariae.

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