(b. 1289/1309, Bologna, d. 1359/69, Bologna)

Madonna and Child

Tempera on wood, 155 x 73 cm
Museo Civico d'Arte Industriale, Imola

One of the important works of the Bolognese Trecento, the panel - originally part of a triptych - was executed for the small Oratorio della Madonna dei Denti near Mezzarate.

The lively nature of the Bolognese paintings of the fourteenth century is easily perceived in the narrative scenes of fresco cycles (nearly all of which, however, are in a poor state of conservation) and in the illuminated miniatures. Vitale managed to convey this nature in his images, not through the action, but through the looks and gestures of his characters. To this he adds a whole range of highly decorative elements and an expressively rich use of colour.