(b. 1531, Beifayo, d. 1588, Madrid)

Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia

Oil on canvas, 116 x 102 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Infanta, Philip II's daughter, is portrayed with a distant and elegant gesture in three-quarters, in keeping with a type of portraiture widely used among court painters at that time. She wears a white and gold dress with a lace collar and cuffs, a feather headdress and a great profusion of jewellery, precious stones and pearls. She holds a handkerchief in her left hand, as was customary in female portraits, and rests her right hand on the armchair, a symbol of her high position in the court.

This work shows Sánchez Coello's dependence on the model of court portraiture created by Anthonis and also reveals his capacity to render the details of jewels and textiles.