PISANO, Nicola
(active 1258-1278)

Tomb of St Dominic

San Domenico, Bologna

From c. 1264 until 1267, when the body of the saint was translated, Nicola was working on the Arca (shrine) of St Dominic in San Domenico, Bologna. He must undoubtedly have been responsible for the overall conception of the shrine and its wealth of compositional solutions, but the execution was done largely by his assistants, since from 1265 he was occupied on the pulpit for Siena Cathedral.

The intended visual effect of his design has been almost completely destroyed, owing to the loss of the original base and the new roof supplied in the late 15th century by Niccolò dell'Arca; the sarcophagus originally had a flat top and was supported by groups of three celebrant friars. Six scenes of the Life and Miracles of St Dominic occupy the sides (two each on the long sides, one on the short), each set between statuettes on projecting plinths: the Virgin and Child (front), Christ the Redeemer (back), and the Doctors of the Church (sides). A magnificent frame of foliage and birds, derived from capitals at Lagopesole Castle, links the episodes, which were further unified by gleaming coloured backgrounds with geometric motifs.

The iconographic programme was outlined by the Dominicans, but the compositions and the visual links between them were Nicola's creation.

The photo shows the present state of the Arca of St Dominic.