MASTER of the Mascoli Altar
(active 1425-1450 in Venice)

Virgin Enthroned Between Two Angels

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice

The Frari's Basilica has four side doors on the left-hand side of the church. One of them is the St Mark's Door, which has an ornate Gothic arch surmounted by a bust of The Eternal Father. In the lunette made by the arch is a splendid bas-relief representing the Virrgin enthroned holding the Baby Jesus who is slipping from her lap. On either side of her are two beautiful curly-haired angels. This work has recently been restored, making it easier to attribute. It was formerly thought to be by Jacopo della Quercia. Today it seems more probably the work of the Master of the Mascoli Altar in the Cappella dei Mascoli in St Mark's Basilica.