MAIANO, Giuliano da
(b. 1432, Maiano, d. 1490, Napoli)

Exterior view

Palazzo Spannocchi, Siena

The Palazzo Spannocchi is a Renaissance style urban palace located on the Piazza Salimbeni in Siena. It was built in 1473 by Ambrogio Spannocchi, member of an ancient mercantile family of Siena, adjacent to the Gothic Palazzo Salimbeni and faces the Mannerist Renaissance Palazzo Tantucci. Spannocchi had been named Treasurer to Pope Pius II of the Sienese Piccolomini family.

The design and construction was entrusted to the Florentine Giuliano da Maiano. The façade closely parallels the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence built a few decades prior. The sober façade, of smooth stone, has three stories, with mullioned windows with round arches on the second floor. Unlike earlier Gothic palaces, which often afforded transient wooden scaffolds for either balconies or awnings, this palace has a solid protruding ceiling cornice near the roofline with classical busts putatively of Roman emperors.

The photo shows the façade.