GUARDI, Francesco
(b. 1712, Venezia, d. 1793, Venezia)

Bridge at Dolo

Oil on canvas, 15 x 19 cm
Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

The motif of the slender, graceful bridge spanning a narrow lagoon was repeated by Francesco Guardi in several of his works. In one of his drawings in the Correr Collection in Venice the arrangement and details correspond almost precisely to this picture. In Guardi's vedute the buildings and the topography of the town play a relatively small role. The painter seems to have been mainly interested in the pictorial message he intended to convey, in the general impression created by the hues resolved in light, the vibrating patches of colour, and in the total effect of the multicoloured figures. It is this free and easy, almost detached, manner of representation which renders his works so modern.

The painting belongs to a series of four landscapes, all in the Budapest Museum.