(b. ca. 1386, Firenze, d. 1466, Firenze)

Pulpit reliefs: No. 2

Marble on mosaic background, 74 x 79 cm
Museo dell'Opera dell Duomo, Prato

Donatello continued to be much involved with relief-carvings in the 1430s: a sacramental tabernacle in St Peter's, Rome, its architecture peopled by angels and framing a scene of the Entombment (c. 1432); an external pulpit with panels of dancing putti for Prato Cathedral (commissioned in 1428, but delayed until 1438); and an organ loft, later turned into a Singing Gallery (Cantoria) for Florence Cathedral (1433-39).

The picture shows one of the seven reliefs (No. 2) on the external pulpit on the southern corner of the façade of the Cathedral at Prato.