CRANACH, Lucas the Younger
(b. 1515, Wittenberg, d.1586, Weimar)

Christ Blessing the Children

Oil on panel, 72 x 122 cm
Private collection

The inscription at top is from the Gospel of Saint Mark, X, verse 14: LASSET DIE KINDLEIN ZU MIR KOMMEN UND VERET INEN NICHT DEN SOLCHER IST DAS HIMMELREICH MAR X ("Let the children come to me, do not hinder them: for to such belongs the Kingdom of God"). The subject, which had hitherto rarely been seen, was to become one of the most popular and enduring images produced by the Cranach workshop during the Reformation.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 4 minutes):
Tomás Luis de Victoria: O Domine Jesu, motet