(b. ca. 1225, Firenze, d. ca. 1274, Siena)


after 1261
Tempera on wood, 296 x 247 cm
Pinacoteca Civica, San Gimignano

Coppo was one of the most significant Florentine painters before Cimabue. His masterpieces are two large Madonna paintings, the Madonna del Bordone in Santa Maria dei Servi, Siena and another Madonna in Santa Maria dei Servi, Orvieto. His style is basically Byzantine, however, elements of realism and three-dimensionality can be observed in his paintings.

In this Crucifix, in the upper part a representation of the Ascension can be seen with a Blessing Christ on top of it. At the end of the left arm of the cross Madonna with St John, at the right the Pious Women are represented. On the background panel there are six scenes, the Capture of Christ, Flagellation, and Preparation of the Cross on the left, Christ before the Judges, Mocking of Christ and Deposition on the right, respectively.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 12 minutes):
Gregorian chants