(b. 1472, Venezia, d. 1526, Capodistria)

The Sermon of St Stephen

Tempera on canvas, 152 x 195 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris

The St Stephen Preaching in the Louvre, which according to Zanetti, who was writing in 1771, bore the date 1514 on the frame, is set on a barren piece of land in front of an ideal view of a city that is reminiscent of Jerusalem. The buildings of this imaginary city form a spacious arc in the lower section and then climb up the ridge of the hill, following the zigzagging path that leads to the place where St Stephen, standing atop a classical pillar, is addressing a group of Oriental characters. Their costumes and headdresses create a splendidly varied play of colours that stands out against the pale green field.